Sunday, July 27, 2008
Comments made.....
I will be updating this dialogue as more becomes of it.
My comments: I personally have investigated this location with my team many times. Is it haunted? Well, since I haven't seen a 'ghost' with my own eyes here, I will have to say it is possible. My team and I did in fact have MANY very interesting experiences and captured some pretty scary evps. Occasionally while having experiences we would capture photos that were incredibly bizarre. Not orbs but very strange bodies of light. The location is massive to say the least. It is not recommended that you visit this hospital without proper permission. The building is in terrible shape and it dangerous to walk around in. Over the years the place has fallen to the wills of nature as many of the windows and doors are missing. The tiles on the floor have come unglued and crack with each movement. The wallpaper in each room is pealing off....if the wall is still intact that is. Our investigations turned over some very interesting results and experiences. At one time we were in the 1st floor with a strange ticking sound. As we would investigate it would stop. We would walk off and it would start again. This was followed by one of the loud 'THUMPS' we have ever heard. It was so loud and powerful....we have no idea what it could have been. It happened multiple times without clear direction from where it came from. Another investigation involved opening and closing doors, movement without the floor tiles cracking....which is impossible since all the tiles in the whole hospital have come unglued. The evps were certainly the most powerful evidence we captured. Voices and very nonhuman laughter. It certainly gave us all chills every time we listen. At one point, a female voice (we had no female members at the time) says, "I hate this place!" Other evps would say, "Down below" when we were asking questions about the building. During our 1st investigation, a evp that was captured state, "I didn't do a damn thing" in reference to some questioning that we were involved in. I would love to go back to this location and investigate further and look forward to more investigations. I will check by here ever so often if anyone has any questions or adds to this. BNCGHA
Other parties comments: I am from Banner Elk and have been in the hospital many times when it was open, there are voices, ghost and evil in that place. I would love to see any pics you might have.
My follow up: Hey there haintorbooger, you can check out our blog at.... We would love some suggestions on locations to investigate. Also haint, I would love to hear why you believe the hospital to have an evil presence
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Another Investigation is underway.....

It is always exciting to gear up for a investigation. Just the other day, we received a report from a nearby resident in a neighboring county of a possible hotspot. Naturally, we are all very interested in investigating.
The history of this location is without a doubt, fascinating! This area has seen its fair share of tragedy. Burned and flooded in 1916 and then flooded again some 24 years later. These events were enough to push the residents of this location to the point of departure.
Our investigation starts with hours and I will update with any interesting activity.
Gravity Hill Investigation....
Mainly due to the fact we couldn't find it. Our trip began one lovely evening on July 12th. A Ford Explorer filled with 4 worthy investigators ventured off to find the unknown. After driving around for hours and hours in the known vicinity of a Gravity Hill (there are many sited in NC, not to mention the ones known around the world) located just out side of Sparta North Carolina, our investigation ended before it even started.
We followed the directions given to us by those who have ventured to this location and even turned to the directions found on the internet....with no luck. We couldn't pinpoint the exact location......Or at least, we didn't think so!
The next day after our all night ride we conversed with our knowledgeable friends and it turns out, we actually had driven right over the Gravity Hill and didn't even know it. At the time, we knew we were close but without pinpoint directions we didn't know better.
The Gravity Hill just outside of Sparta is located on a very measly looking dirt road that is surrounded by homes. Now that we know where it is....exactly....we may return in the future.
As always, we would love to hear your thoughts and if you have any suggestions, please let us know!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Commited. . .
It has been some time since we have updated this blog. For that we are sorry.
All of that is about to change. Our group of investigators are more commited than ever to the world of the paranormal.
With this post we are very excited to announce that tonight we will be investigating.
We will be updating this blog here tomorrow (Sunday) with more information concerning the location and the investigation that is only a few short hours away.
From our past investigations, we have learned it is best not to giveaway the locations that we are investigating until after the investigation is complete. There are some who think they may be cleaver and add to the affect of the night. Silly Kids. :-)
It is a pleasure to be back!
We do want to add a little note;
Here at BooneNCGhostHuntersAssociation really appreciate all the emails and interest in our group. We have to admit, We haven't checked the email in some time and when we did the other day, we were blown away. We have had so much interest in what we do. We really had to take a step back.
You all really struck home with the team and with all of your praises of our work. It is an honor to be called professionals, to be labeled as the best Paranormal Group in the Area. Trust me, we have shared all of these emails with the members and it is because of you all (and a desire to learn and discover of course :-) ) that we have a new found motivation to keep investigating and sharing our progress.
As we have emailed some of you, we are currently considering new members. Only Level-headed, Clear Thinking, Responsible and Respectful individuals will be consider to for membership.
From all of the team, Thank you!
Upcoming Investigations.....
We have considered some of these and will be investigating a number of these in the next coming month! That is correct, in the next MONTH!!!
Some of these locations will be.....
Gravity Hill.
The Brown Mountain Lights..
The Devils Stomping Ground...
The Forestry Compound....
We will also be revisiting a past location which we are very excited about.
Please keep the suggestions coming as they are appreciated greatly!