Thursday, November 22, 2007

The Location:

The location of this place is in Western North Carolina. I will not disclose the exact location or what this place is as it has been damaged greatly over the years by vandals. I believe it will be best not to give any exact details to prevent further damages.

This facility was in operation for 45 years and during the course of time, thousands died!

This location was brought to my attention from a family friend who shared with me some details that he had heard from other investigators.

He said, "The moans of the dead can still be heard through the vacant halls."

This of course certainly got out interests!

Our first investigation proved to be very interesting to say the least! While we were there the first time, we were really learning the layout of the massive building. While we wondered we took photos and recorded audio.

To be honest there was only one moment that we felt unease and other than that there were no major experiences. We did at one point in time thought we heard a sort of breathing. In the same room, we caught two very strange photos. One is posted on this blog and is the photo with a very strange orange orb between the two men.

We caught another photo in the same room but I have decided not to post it. While there is certainly something very strange about the photo, the quality was very bad and I felt wasn't strong enough of evidence.

Later in the investigation we did capture another photo, all of which I will be setting up in a photo album here shortly! The photo is of a doorway leading into a hallway. In the hallway is a smokey mist. Further down the hallway is the shape of a person. A head and shoulders. In another photo taken a minute later, there is nothing there. Whatever it was is gone.

While our personal experiences and photo evidence was minor but interesting, what came through on the audio was much much more impressive!

We happened to capture a good number of EVPs. Within the first few minutes of recording, we had a strange voice that actually over laps a conversation. The voice says, "where do you want to go?" or "How do I let go?"

A few minutes later the new batteries in the record die. Strange for sure but stranger things have happened! We replaced the batteries and continue. Immediately are the recorder is fired back up, another EVP is recorded. This one says, something a little stranger; "Why do you lie?"

Strange indeed!

Our investigation continued. This time, we are in the same room where we thought to have heard breathing, we also caught the two strange orb photos. This EVP really shocked us.

We ask if the spirits would give us a sign. A moment later, the recorder caught a voice saying, "I didn't do a damn thing."

Through out the recording which was an hour and forty-five minutes long, we captured a number of strange audibles. Including something being said by a female, even though there were no females with us at the time.

Interesting for sure and not bad for the very first night!


Our next visit to the location was very different in nature. The first go around was fairly straight forward with out much excitement. Not to mention the atmosphere was very light and never felt threatening.

The second time around, as soon as we stepped foot into the building, the energy was much much different! Heavy! Intense. This go investigation last only 30 minutes as we felt we were not welcome. The energies were building greatly and it felt like it was leading to something.

We began this investigation by hitting the hot spots where we recorded EVP's and captured the orbs and mist. As we walked the same paths as the first investigation, as I mentioned the energies were much stronger, much more threatening and darker! We all felt uneasy!

The experiences started off with some very odd moaning sounds! To be honest, at first I dismissed this as a pass car from the road that is a fair distance from the location. As we continued on, this moaning was changing in frequency and intensity. Within twenty minutes, it was clear that this moaning wasn't a passing car, as we could see the road far below and at this time, no one was on the road.

The moaning continued and as we came to one of the many stairwells, we stopped and looked at each other. We both heard something! As we listened, I heard a sort of knocking from what I thought was coming from the stairway, even though my partner thought it was coming from behind us. As we listened, we heard one of the heavy metal doors sliding across the floor.

It was at this point where the energy grew to very strong levels and it was time to go. For one thing, this building is extremely large, very very dark and without the proper number of investigators, something was wrong. As we left the building the activity was certainly growing.

As soon as we stepped foot outside, the energies and threatening feels vanished. Very strange for sure! During this very short investigation no audio other than the moaning was captured.


Stay tuned for this weekend, Saturday the 24th, we will be investigating the location! We will also be broadcasting live thanks to Google Blogger and Blackberry!

Investigation starts at 1am Eastern Time.


Anonymous said...

Seriously, that was a fantastic night!

BooneNCGhostHunter said...

You are certainly right my friend! I am looking forward to investigation 3 on Saturday!

Anonymous said...

I know this location (I'm in the area). How can you cope with the volume of excitement and intrepidation? I have to hand it to you! I have not gotten up the nerve to listen to the EVPs. Get your shields up when you go, and happy hunting! ;)

BooneNCGhostHunter said...


Nice to talk with you! Glad to have someone on here reading about what we do! That is great! I would love to talk with you further.

It can be tough controlling your feelings. They can get carried away some times. That is a big plus to having a large group. You need those people to keep everyone grounded to reality.

Post up and we will continue talking.