Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Results from Investigation 3:


I do want apologize for not updating the blog with the LIVE system. I said I was going to and to be honest, it was a great idea! The technology is in place for future events but it is unlike it will be used often.

The truth be known it is highly impractical to be typing away when trying to listen and distinguish what is going on.


The Results:

Wow, Saturday was awesome! We started the night at 1 am at the location. We had 5 good hearted, like minded souls for this investigation. In the last few days we have actually had a good number of new members which bring us to 6!

The investigation was basically set up as two teams, one with 2 members another with 3 members. Both teams worked together at the beginning then separated after 30 minutes. The total investigation lasted about 2 1/2 hours. We finished the night with a total of 4 1/2 hours of audio, 2 hours of video.

We truly had a great time investigating the location. It was nice to have so many professional and interested members working towards that common goal. While the video has yet to turn any evidence 9 i have to admit, I haven't had the time to actually watch all of it...but I will), we did happen to catch a number of very interesting EVPS.

The first really worth mentioning took place about 10 minutes into the investigation. We were in the basement looking for a way to get to the morgue that we believe to on a floor below. We are walking and talking and in the mist of us talking, a voice overlaps our conversation and says, "down below."

Certainly very wild.

We captured a good number of EVPS that I have posted on this blog. You can find them a little lower on the right side of this blog. Enjoy. I would love to hear what you think.

The next bizarre EVP comes from the 3rd floor. Two members were sitting down, lights off and asking some questions. One member asks for a name, and the EVP recorded says, "Ira." It then says it again. "Ira." This happens to be the name of the member asking the question!

Also, I almost forgot to mention, we happened to catch and EVP that says, "KILL!"
I do not like the nature of this so I won't talk much about it.

The results were certainly very interesting! This further adds to the foundation that this location is truly haunted!

Along with the audio and personal questions, I honestly be this is just beginning. The more that we investigate the more that will are going to catch.

Each time seems to bring more and more activity. The EVPS seem to be getting clearer and longer and more detailed in nature. I honestly believe in time we will capture some truly interesting EVPS. It is clear that the spirits remember who we are. During the investigation this time around, noone was introduced!

I will update further as I continue to review the evidence.

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