The Old Cannon Hospital is a favorite location of the Boone Ghost Hunters. Our past investigations simply provided too much evidence to merely dismiss this mysterious place.
Since we begin investigating, we have had many write in with questions on how to find and how to enter the Hospital. This is not something that we recommend. If you do not receive permission from the owner, there is a good chance you will get caught by the local authorities.
Another group of investigators learned of this last year when they entered the hospital without permission. Upon leaving the hospital they almost walked out in front of a hidden police cruiser. Naturally, if they were caught they would have been in some serious trouble. Especially after all that has taken place there (vandalism, recent breaking and entering).
While we haven't been back to the Cannon Hospital in some time, we did drive by the location earlier this year. It was late at night and the hospital was full of activity. Lights were on and cars/trucks littered the site. What they were doing we do not know but it is something all investigators should take note of.
In an interesting bit of news, as of August, 2010, information continues to surface about the ongoing case involving Banner Elk Town Manager John Mejaski. According to several reports, Mejaski has been charged with breaking into the old Cannon Memorial Hospital and stealing a walk-in freezer door. The old hospital, which has been heavily vandalized since it closed almost 10 years ago, is owned by Greg Greene. According to the reports, Greene has talked with John Mejaski before and is shocked that Mejaski reportedly broke into the property and stole the freezer door. The case has been turned over to the State Bureau of Investigation, and Mejaski's probable cause hearing is scheduled for September 3rd.
How wild is that?
Please call me at (336)-212-7448 as I want to talk to you about this old hospital. Thanks - Lee Steele - Co-Case Manager/Research Specialist & Co-Lead Investigator - Positively Paranormal Team
im currently in the middle of getting permission so I hope to be visiting this place soon and im pretty sure the owner now is Shaunco, Inc
How do I set up a ghost tour with a group with you at this location?
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